Wednesday, 22 May 2013


So a useful tool for game development is a technique called "easing" or "tweening". This is often used for skeletal animation, but is also useful for other tasks. Basically what it involves is updating a value between a start and end point over time. So for example if I wanted to move a sprite across the screen along the x axis starting at x = 200 and ending at x = 1000 for a duration of 1.5 seconds, then the x position of the sprite could be tweened between these two values.

Below I will show you four quadratic easing functions (language is C#, but you can adapt these functions to whatever language you are using):

All the functions will have the same parameters:
currentTime: this is the current time of the tween
start: this is the start value of the tween
diff: this is the difference between the end and start value
length: this is the total time of the tween

Linear (the value will be changed at a constant rate):

public float Linear(float currentTime, float start, float diff, float length)
     return diff * currentTime / length + start;

Ease Out (the value will change quickly at first and then slow down)

public float EaseOut(float currentTime, float start, float diff, float length)
      currentTime /= length;
      return -diff * currentTime*(currentTime-2) + start;

Ease In (the value will change slowly at first and then speed up)

public float EaseIn(float currentTime, float start, float diff, float length)
     currentTime /= length;
     return diff*currentTime*currentTime + start;

Ease In Ease Out(the value will change slowly at the beginning and end, and change quickly in the middle)

public float EaseInOut(float currentTime, float start, float diff, float length)
     if ((currentTime /= length / 2) < 1)
         return diff / 2 * currentTime * currentTime + start;

     return -diff / 2 * ((--currentTime) * (currentTime - 2) - 1) + start;

So let's use the example from above. We want to move a sprite along the x axis between x = 200 and x =  1000 for a duration of 1.5 seconds. We would set up the parameters like this:

currentTime: you'd need to set up a timer for the tween and update it using your game engine/framework's delta time (time between last frame and current frame)
start: in this case 200
diff: in this case 1000 - 200 = 800
length: in this case 1.5

so call this line every frame:
spriteX = Linear(timer, 200, 800, 1.5);

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