So first things first...Plazma Being got Greenlit!!! 0_0 So I'm currently in the process of getting all that sorted.
I's nice to know that more people will become acquainted with Zeb and his adventures in the near future :-) I'm also absolutely delighted that my first ever game has made it this far. But I couldn't have done it without all the votes, so thanks a million for all the support!!!!!
As for Systematic Immunity, I haven't got a whole heap done in the last month what with Christmas/New Year madness and numerous birthdays to deal with...but I'm back at it now since the last few days. I've mainly been working on debugging/cleaning up my code, but I've also been working on juicing up the level complete screen a bit, so here's a look at that so far:
Better version on Gfycat: Link
Anyway that's kind of it for this post. so I'll just say happy new year and continue with my work :-)